Just like in "To Fall in Love," we wanted to ask our cast and crew some questions so we could fall in love with them (just a little bit more). But who has the time for 36 questions? We're keeping it to just five - a couple from the questionnaire, and a few we'd just like to know. Today, we're starting it all off with Milwaukee native and Classically Trained Actor, Madeline Wakley, who plays wife Merryn in “To Fall in Love.”
Actor Madeline Wakely
1. What are the three most important things you'd need to put in a dating profile?
One: If you wanna make plans, I most likely can't; I'm in rehearsal. It's nothing personal.
Two: A forewarning that I'll always have a film or TV reference for any conversation.
Three: Must love dogs. Big, fuzzy, happy dogs.
2. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? (Question 12 of 36 in “To Fall in Love”)
The ability to teleport sounds pretty good to me. I'd love to be able to see my friends involved in different theatre productions around the globe without having to go through customs.
3. For what in your life do you feel most grateful? (Question 9 of 36 in “To Fall in Love”)
My family and my friends. Which sounds like a cop-out, but it's true. I'm constantly surrounded by some pretty great people.
4. How do you feel about working on the Midwest premiere of a new play?
I feel incredibly intimidated, but incredibly determined!
5. What about this play excites you?
Coming from a theatre background that is based heavily in a whole lotta Shakespeare, the realism of this play is a breath of fresh air for me. There are no extreme conceptions in the design, no side plots; it's two people having an honest conversation.
”To Fall in Love” runs March 29th to April 13th, 2019, at The Underground Collaborative, 161. W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee.